Tuesday, August 28, 2007

No rest for the weary

Ideally one should have a couple of days to acclimatise to new surroundings. No such luck in the InCar Universe: important meetings are scheduled for the day after I arrive in Paramaribo. No easy morning to get over the jetlag, no midday nap to soothe a tired brow and certainly no closing the office door at five! It might be Paradise (well, in a manner of speaking), but does a tropical burn-out await??

Friday, August 24, 2007

Earlier departure

It looks like I will be leaving for Sranan a couple of days earlier than previously expected. Not only would our client like us to start asap, our other projects in Suriname need some TLC quickly too.

Now the really important issues need to be decided......what can I fit into my suitcase????

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The ink has dried....

After weeks of waiting it finally happened....the contract for our job in Suriname was signed. The ink has dried, it's official! Starting in September, we will assist a Suriname company in setting up their business and commercial structures in order to increase their sales in Suriname and prepare them for expansion into Caricom.

Four months of tropical heat, too much good food and a Caribbean lifestyle awaits!!