Thursday, January 31, 2008

Uncle Ben comes to dinner

Boaz always enjoys it when Uncle Ben comes for dinner. Not only does he get to stay up a bit, but he can also show Uncle Ben all his toy cars!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Work starts again

Anand has returned from Suriname as well, so now it is back to work again after a week of getting over the jetlag. Tomorrow a meeting is scheduled with a potential client that wants to set up a business in India and is looking for introductions to possible joint venture partners. It has been a while since I was in Bombay, so it would be nice to get the job!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Family visit

Being back home I have to check up on my family, in particular my nephews. So this evening I went to my sister Melissa. Quite by coincidence, my mother was also there for the day. A couple of family snapshots of mum and Luca, a.k.a. Manny, had to be taken!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back home

Delayed by an hour, as is quite usual for flights from Suriname, I touch down at Schiphol. As flights from Paramaribo are subject to what is called a 100% check (sniffer dogs, interviews, multiple scanners), it takes much longer than normal to pick up our luggage and leave the airport. Luckily I was traveling with Anand's mother, who received preferential treatment due to her age, which speeding things up a bit. The cold weather that hits you immediately when leaving the plane is a welcome change after months of sweaty tropical heat. Although things went well in Suriname and our job was a success, it is good to be back home for a while!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Last night in Paramaribo

The past four months have gone in a flash. It doesn't seem that long ago that I arrived in Suriname for our longest job yet. Despite being here for such a long time, I have yet to truly see the country and its natural beauty. Next visit, I guess! All going well, it should not be too long before I head out to the Caribbean again....

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The end is nigh

A week from now I head back to Amsterdam. Our four month job is nearing its end. This does not mean, however, that it is farewell to Suriname. In the past months new opportunities have presented themselves, not in the least those regarding social housing. So this time it will only be goodbye to Paramaribo. When the next time will be...we do not yet know, but I'm sure it will be soon!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

A drive in the country

Anand's mother is in Suriname for a couple of weeks. This Sunday we took her for a drive around the countryside. Some of the places she hadn't seen for 35 years, one of which was Domburg. Alongside the Suriname river one can eat delicious Javanese food or just enjoy the scenery.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Returning to Suriname

Although I have enjoyed the unusual cold Dutch winter, it's off to tropical Suriname again. The coming weeks will be very exciting as it will become clear what the future will hold for us. But first the long flight from Amsterdam to Paramaribo. As is somewhat tradition, a member of the family comes with one to the airport. This time it's Daisy who shivers with me all the way to Schiphol.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The year of being uncle

Since the arrival of my nephew Boaz two years ago and Luca eight months ago, Uncle Ben has been around. The uncle duties have been expanded now that friends are having kids too! On the first day of 2008 it was my great pleasure to spend some time with Johannes' little Wouter, who slipped into the traditional Uncle Ben relax mode with surprising ease...

Happy New Year!!

The New Year was heralded in at my sister's place in Amsterdam North. Overlooking the centre of Amsterdam we had a great view of all the fireworks being lit up all around the city. Best Wishes for a great 2008!!