Thursday, February 28, 2008

Growing like cabbage??

In Dutch we have the saying "he/she grows like cabbage" to describe how fast someone is growing. Only a couple of weeks ago young Wouter was a sleepy, wrinkly baby barely aware of Uncle Ben. How that has changed!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Still the only way to fly!

As if flying to Suriname in business class wasn't enough, going back we also had the pleasure of comfy seats and individual entertainment systems. No BC service (choice of wines, meals, etc) though, but who cares! How can I ever go back to flying coach????

Monday, February 25, 2008

Willemstad by night

There is only one direct flight from Aruba to Suriname per week, so we had to fly back via Curacao. In order to catch the Sunday morning flight we had to spend the night in Willemstad, the largest town of the Netherlands Antilles.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Some relaxing, too

This week was all work, despite being in a tropical paradise with white beaches. A couple of hours before leaving Aruba we had a little taste of what a holiday here would be like. The hotel we stayed in has its own private island off the coast that guests can use as their private beach. A boat takes you from the hotel to the island.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Partying Aruba style

The Aruban bank AIB celebrated its 20th anniversary today by throwing a party at the Westin resort and we were lucky enough to be invited. After the obligatory speeches by the managing director, chairman of the supervisory board and president of the central bank, the bar was opened and the band started playing.

A toast to good things to come

Our meetings in Aruba went exceedingly well, much better than expected. The AIB bank has taken a serious interest in Suriname and on a personal level we have built a good relationship with management. In a couple of weeks a counter visit will be made to Suriname. A good reason for a toast!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On our way to the meeting

After an early night the most important day of our trip to Aruba has come: the meeting with the AIB bank. Our client will be presenting his business plan and hopes to entice the bank to finance his project in Suriname. For us, too, it is exciting as we want this trip to be successful. The bank is only a few minutes walk from our hotel, through the quaint streets of Oranjestad.

Happy Birthday!

Two birthdays on the 19th of February: my lovely sister Melissa and my business partner Anand. The restaurant in Aruba we had dinner at was so kind to present Anand with a little birthday cake...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pitstop in Curacao

On our way to Aruba we had a lay-over in Curacao. Miraculously the Suriname Airways flight was on time...leaving us with four hours at Hato Airport.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The only way to fly

We're off to Suriname and Aruba again for a short trip, this time for a client that is looking to finance a project. As luck would have it, the KLM made a mistake with the booking and because economy was fully booked, we got business class instead! For the first time in my life as international traveller I have enjoyed the perks of the 747 upper deck: champagne, excellent food served on china plates, fine wines, Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownies ice cream, roomy chairs with in-built massage and movies on really is the only way to fly!!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Happy Granddad

By day my dad is a distinguished History of Religion professor, but by night he miraculously transforms into a proud grandfather of two charming grandsons.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Global cooling???

Despite Al Gore's passionate pleas and conferences in Bali, the climate doesn't show signs of global warming everywhere. A couple of days ago a friend in Israel was enjoying unusual snow in Jerusalem and took this picture!