Friday, May 30, 2008

A night on the town

A few of days ago our Israeli friend Boaz called out of the blue to say he was in Amsterdam for a couple of days. Daisy and I hadn't seen him for a long time so it was great to catch up, as well as meet his girlfriend Eva, and enjoy a great Thai meal, a stroll through the red light district and some pints.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Another job, another drink

I have recently started a new temporary assignment that I got the job through the same project manager I worked with last year: Business Analist at ABN AMRO, working on a project that is part of the break-up of Holland's erstwhile largest bank. The bank is a social place with many a social heart. Periodically an evening of drink and merriness is held in one of Amsterdam's many pubs. One persons pays the bill at a certain time and emails all present what the tally was as well as the prices of the drinks. People then have to pay for wat they have drunk and round off the total upwards. The excess money that is thus collected, is given to charity. What could be better than getting drunk and helping a worthwhile charity at the same time??

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Summer's here!

April was a miserable month, but May is turning out to be quite nice. For the last couple of days we have had official summer weather, i.e. temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius and over. When walking through the centre of town one can see locals and tourists alike enjoying the weather and the many bars and restaurants that have opened their terraces.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

A musician to be

In general the active musicality is more prevalent in the women of my family, but it would seem that the next generation of boys in the family are quite musical. Boaz has turned out to be a little Ricky Martin (courtesy of his Latin roots) that shakes his bonbon to various styles of music, whereas Luca loves to play his xylophone. Perhaps he will follow his mum to become a gamelan player as well.