Friday, February 27, 2009


Installation of Windows Vista Ultimate started late afternoon yesterday and now, at two in the morning, my laptop is almost his old self again. Unfortunately I still need to find a copy of Office in order to get my email up and running again, but otherwise all seems to be in order!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


After more than 18 months, trips to Suriname, Aruba & England my trusty laptop has finally succumbed to the failings of the world's most used computer operating system Windows. On previous pcs it was not unusual to have to reinstall Uncle Bill's software on a fairly regular basis, but with Vista I had hoped not to have to experience it again, especially after Service Pack 1. However, a few days ago after a reboot of the laptop the keyboard stopped working and I was unable to log in. Unfortunately nowadays laptop users do not get Vista installation disks with their machines, so what to do? Virus checks, restoration software and general nerdiness did not help and my sister Rebekka's installation disk was unusable. The only thing left was a complete reinstallation with new software. Luckily Melissa works at an educational institution and can buy cheap software. A new copy of Windows Vista Ultimate has been ordered and should fall on the mat in a couple of days. Let's hope an upgrade installation will do the trick!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Trini Carnival

The Carnival season is upon us, even in the Dutch delta. In Holland, though, it is not so much a national festival as it is in Trinidad, where I had the pleasure to celebrate Carnival five years ago. I had hoped that I would be able to jump up and wine to the Soca beats this year, but unfortunately it will have to be Carnival 2K10. The clip is of my favourite 2K04 brings back memories!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Agua di Annique

It has been a while since I went to a concert, but tonight I was treated to Agua di Annique by Stephanie, the wife of my good friend Joost, who was on a whistle-stop visit in Holland from Hong Kong. Whilst Joost and I have a quite similar musical taste and preference, Stephanie brings the magical world of Metal and heavy rock into our musical world (I went to an Iron Maiden concert a few years ago). While the sound of Agua di Annique was far from heavy or metal, in fact it is quite ethereal, the singer does have a background in the Dutch rock band The Gathering. For me it was nice to get acquainted with new music, and of a Dutch singer at that!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Winter's back

When we were in England we hoped for a white Christmas. Unfortunately no snow fell and we thought that global warming was to blame. In the last couple of days, however, the winter has returned with a vengeance. So much snow has fallen around the UK that many parts have come to a standstill because public transport has failed and roads have become difficult to use.