Thursday, May 28, 2009

The kid's walking

As his dad is in Africa for work, Uncle Ben is back in action. This time Luca's Nana is also there to take care of him while his mother is off to a conference. Luca has discovered the joys of walking and waddles around with a smile on his face.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kafka's Harem

Daisy, my mother and I went to see the play Kafka's Harem in The Hague. We all enjoy a good play, but this one in particular as it was written by my sister Rebekka. It is not that easy to get a play performed, especially as an unknown writer, but this is already the second time it has been performed in Holland. It's a one act play for six women, which is unusual. I had not seen the previous incarnation, so I could not compare the styles, but I really enjoyed it! In the near future it should be performed in Israel (my friend Talia has translated it and will star in it), a performance I will definitely not miss!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Concert at the Concertgebouw

Every year our friends from ForumInvest sponsor a concert at Amsterdam's famed Concertgebouw. The concert is usually part of the Master Pianists series. This year we were treated to Romanian virtuoso Radu Lupu who played Beethoven and Shubert. Alas, I couldn't take a picture of Mr Lupu, an usher kindly requested I not take pictures, but as you can see our seats were fantastic!.

Before, during and after the performance we also enjoyed drinks, snacks and good company in the Hall of Mirrors. This year some well known people attended: the most powerful woman in Europe Nelie Kroes, Holland's most influential person Eelco Brinkman and the CEO of Philips Gerard Kleisterlee.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Moving on up

Today Ben the Builder became Ben the Mover as I helped my friend Johannes to move to his new place in Amsterdam North. A party of four loaded up a rental van (three times), going up & down far too many stairs, and travelled from East to North. As moves go it wasn't that bad, although my legs might say otherwise!