Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Crown Prince

Indians love having important people at their events such as ministers or other government leaders. If you can get royalty to add a little extra cachet, it's even better. Having Crown Prince Felipe give a speech about the opportunities for business between Spain and India, as well as a private session for some select Indian businessmen, is therefore fantastic. For me it's my second crown prince in a year, after seeing the Belgian one in Brussels (at another India related event). 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Global India Business Meeting 2010

This year saw the second annual Global India Business Meeting being held in Madrid. The first event in Munich last year was a great success and it was interesting to see if that could be topped. The programme was similar to last year: various meetings in which different subjects are discussed and lots of networking.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Split loyalties

Now that the World Cup is upon us, which team should I support?? Should it be the Orange Lion or the Legion of St George??