Saturday, December 25, 2010


This year, too, Santa has seen fit to give me some presents, even if it meant taking a detour to Germany to deliver them! Of course my nephews and niece received the most presents, as well they should!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Staying online

The men of the Bremmer clan have somewhat of an internet addiction, so having wifi at our holiday residence made passing the time a lot more comfortable, especially as the icy cold and heavy snow made going out not that pleasant.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter gettogether

This year the Bremmer clan is celebrating Christmas in Germany as my parents are living in Cologne for the year. Unfortunately the winter weather is extreme this year, making the trip down a lengthy one. The advantage is that we are treated to a traditional winter scene, one that has been very rare these last years.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Let it be

Is it an elaborate CGI trick?? Or did the Norwegians actually get all the stars to sing Let It Be???