Sunday, December 25, 2011

X-mas in Amsterdam

This year no trip to Germany or England for Christmas. Instead the traditional family celebrations were held in Amsterdam. However, this does not mean that the English traditions are not upheld. As always there was a delicious turkey with home-made stuffing and cranberries, roast potatoes and seasonal veggies, as well as the traditional Christmas crackers with inside their bad jokes, cheap toys and colourful paper crowns. 


Christmas is not complete without a trifle. 

Monday, December 05, 2011


December 5 is Sinterklaas, Holland's version of Santa Claus a.k.a. Saint Nick. This year Uncle Ben had the pleasure of celebrating nephew Luca's Sinterklaas at his school. While most kids were in awe of the bringer of gifts, young Luca was the only that stood up to give Sinterklaas a hand. Later that morning Luca received to gifts and Uncle Ben enjoyed the traditional delicacies pepernoten and banketstaaf.

Friday, November 11, 2011


My sister Rebekka will have her first novel, 'Ebb' in English, published early next year by one of Holland's main publishing houses. This week the publisher sent its overview of new titles to book sellers around the country. Not only was Rebekka mentioned on the cover of the booklet, she is also featured on the first few pages! While it will be a few months before it hits the shops, the family is already beginning its social media promotion campaign....

Monday, August 22, 2011

Surf's up!

Martijn is a avid surfer and my nephews are quite fascinated by what their dad is doing with his board. Of course they want to help dad carry the board back to the car.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


While at the beach a local fisherman was so kind to let us take home some crabs. The kids were quite fascinated by these monstrous creatures and looked on with interest as Martijn prepared the crabs for cooking. Unfortunately they were too young and did not have enough meat on them to give us a good meal.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The sea is calling

My nephews have no fear of the sea. Not even the cold Brittany Atlantic can deter them from some serious sand castle and dam building or running around the shore.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Off to France

This year I am joining my sister Melissa and her family on a holiday to Brittany, France. My nephews Luca and Matthies are of course very excited that Uncle Ben will be around to play with them, but also that I will be squeezed between their car seats in the back of the fully packed Volvo estate for the two days it takes to get to our destination.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Happy & Gay

While Amsterdam celebrates the Dutch Queen's birthday with a huge party, on the first Saturday in August queens of a different sort are celebrated on the canals when the city goes from generally happy to positively gay.

Gay groups, political parties, army & police, amongst others, celebrate gay pride on barges by dressing extravagantly and dancing to music from classic gay disco hits to Lady Gaga.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

School trip with Luca

In my capacity as babysitting uncle I get to participate in some of the fun outings that Luca has. This time it is a school trip to a children's paradise in the middle of nowhere just outside Amsterdam. In this veritable kids Garden of Eden the young-lings have the choice of swimming, indoor climbing range or outside playground. Luca loves water, so swimming it was. After lunch, organised by Miss Anita, some hardcore playing was done outside.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Family BBQ

With a Chilean in the family it has not been a real Summer without a family BBQ. Luckily the weather was good when Cristian was back in Amsterdam during his yearly stint in Santiago to take care of the honours and prepare the wide range of char coaled delicacies. 

Saturday, May 07, 2011

The spoilt nephew

Nephew Boaz had so much fun the last time he stayed at Uncle Ben's that he couldn't wait to come again. With a precedent having been set the last time, the stay had to include watching movies and eating popcorn. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Queen's Night

On April 30th the Dutch celebrate the official birthday of H.M. Queen Beatrix (the day is the birthday of her late mother Juliana. Her actual birthday is in January). On that day people dress up in orange clothes, sell all kinds of junk in the streets and generally have a good time. Increasingly the festivities start the previous evening, as is the case in Amsterdam. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Several times a year the central square in Amsterdam, Dam Square, is turned into a fair. Besides the usual fairground attractions there usually are some exciting contraptions to entice the visitors. While I love roller coasters and the like, I apparently do not like the rides that bring you 50 to 60 metres above the ground at high speed. Case in point the motorised swing ride that has you sitting in a seat without too much protection. You are taken up about 50 metres while going around at ever increasing speed. Before I got on I thought it would be a great ride, but during it I become less and less comfortable. Is it vertigo? Or just old age?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

After all these years

Although I have been living in Holland for almost 40 years I have never been to see one of the things the country is so famous for: tulips at the Keukenhof. As is often the case, when a foreign friend is visiting, you get to see parts of the country you take for granted. This time was no different as we, along with hundreds of thousands of others, went to the Keukenhof to marvel at natural beauty that has been designed and grown by man.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

City tour with Uncle Ben

Uncle Ben went on a little city tour of Haarlem with nephew Matthies. Always the happy kid, Matthies enjoyed the walk amongst the historical buildings and through the market in the centre of town, greeting passers-by and telling Uncle Ben about the cars and dogs he saw ('tatu!' and 'woof!' in Matthies-speak).

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Boaz & Wouter


Boaz was in for a treat this weekend as Uncle Ben took him to Johannes to play with his son Wouter. Although the boys are not the same age, Wouter is younger, they got along great. Playing with cars, watching Fireman Sam and running around in the nearby park made for a great afternoon!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Play hard, sleep hard

As a special treat Luca and Matthies went to play at TunFun, a children's play paradise in the centre of Amsterdam in what used to be a traffic tunnel. Catering to kids of all ages with age specific playpens, the two boys, their father and Uncle Ben had an exciting time.

After almost one and a half hours of hardcore playing the drive back home saw Matthies succumb to instant exhaustion. Within minutes his chin rested softly on his chest while dreaming of the multi-coloured paradise he just went to.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Ashes to Ashes

With a short service that included hymns and music Nana liked as well as some memories us grandchildren put to paper, and in the company of our English relatives, some Dutch family and friends, we said goodbye. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

End of an era

At the amazing age of 98 my Nana passed away this morning. Sadness is complemented by happy memories of our holidays in Bristol and her visits to Holland, the many fried breakfasts and the distinctive Bartlett eccentricities. The end of an era indeed.