Sunday, February 20, 2011

Play hard, sleep hard

As a special treat Luca and Matthies went to play at TunFun, a children's play paradise in the centre of Amsterdam in what used to be a traffic tunnel. Catering to kids of all ages with age specific playpens, the two boys, their father and Uncle Ben had an exciting time.

After almost one and a half hours of hardcore playing the drive back home saw Matthies succumb to instant exhaustion. Within minutes his chin rested softly on his chest while dreaming of the multi-coloured paradise he just went to.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Ashes to Ashes

With a short service that included hymns and music Nana liked as well as some memories us grandchildren put to paper, and in the company of our English relatives, some Dutch family and friends, we said goodbye.