Monday, August 22, 2011

Surf's up!

Martijn is a avid surfer and my nephews are quite fascinated by what their dad is doing with his board. Of course they want to help dad carry the board back to the car.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


While at the beach a local fisherman was so kind to let us take home some crabs. The kids were quite fascinated by these monstrous creatures and looked on with interest as Martijn prepared the crabs for cooking. Unfortunately they were too young and did not have enough meat on them to give us a good meal.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The sea is calling

My nephews have no fear of the sea. Not even the cold Brittany Atlantic can deter them from some serious sand castle and dam building or running around the shore.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Off to France

This year I am joining my sister Melissa and her family on a holiday to Brittany, France. My nephews Luca and Matthies are of course very excited that Uncle Ben will be around to play with them, but also that I will be squeezed between their car seats in the back of the fully packed Volvo estate for the two days it takes to get to our destination.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Happy & Gay

While Amsterdam celebrates the Dutch Queen's birthday with a huge party, on the first Saturday in August queens of a different sort are celebrated on the canals when the city goes from generally happy to positively gay.

Gay groups, political parties, army & police, amongst others, celebrate gay pride on barges by dressing extravagantly and dancing to music from classic gay disco hits to Lady Gaga.