Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dude, where's my car???

As Dutchmen we are pampered by the public transport system with its comfortable trams, busses and trains. Not so in Suriname. Although there is a privatised bus sector with small Japanese vans shuttling people around town and into the hinterland, there is no easy route from my Suri home to the office. So as part of our package we requested a car...it turned out to be a Chevvy!


Anonymous said...

Not bad. You should pimp it! I suggest adding 19" alloy wheels...
At least you have a car ;-(

But honestly, how can you possibly say the Dutch transport system is good? I've been late 4 times this week because of the stupid NS and GVB.

Anonymous said...

On which side of the road do the Surinamis drive?

Unknown said...

Despite having been a Dutch colony for more than 300 years the Surinamis drive on the left side of the road just as the Guyanese do. Many of the cars, however, are Dutch and american import and thus have the steering wheel on the wrong side!