Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Religious convergence

As happens with calenders based on the lunar cycle, sometimes religious celebrations from different traditions coincide. This year this is the case with the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and Rosh HaShana, the Jewish new year. Neither of these celebrations have official status in Holland, so unlike quite a few countries we don't see many advertisements inspired by these events such as the Ramadan inspired hamburger ad and the one for those delicious kosher & organic sausages.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Meeting a Maharaja

My business partner Anand was in India last week with a client. During his visit he had the opportunity to meet with His Highness Srikanta Datta Narasimharaja Wadiyar Bahadur, Maharaja of Mysore and head of the royal Wodeyar dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of Mysore between 1399 and 1950 (when the Indian kingdoms were officially abolished). Although the Maharaja is no longer ruler of a kingdom, he is still regarded as a local leader by his former subjects and plays an important role in local religious and social ceremonies. As with many of the former rulers, he has turned to business for income. Besides being an accomplished fashion designer and promoter of Mysore silk, the Maharaja has also turned several of his palaces into luxury hotels. If all goes to plan, H.H., in his capacity of hotelier, will become a client. I foresee frequent stays in palace suites....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The airport, again

It's been a week of airport visits. First to see off Talia, yesterday for some last minute contract signing and today to have lunch with my dad, who was on his way to a conference in Denmark. I love going to the airport to see all those travellers jetting off to all corners of the world and returning Dutchmen being greeted by friends and family. I would prefer going to Schiphol to fly off myself, but that will have to wait until another day...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Business frustrations

There are different kinds of clients. The one is very flexible, the other is seemingly unable to change his position. My business partner Anand is set to go to India tomorrow with a client. Getting all the contracts in order, however, is proving to be quite a challenge. We always try to prepare contracts that are professional and clear. Sometimes the clients, or their lawyers, do not want to be flexible or use their common sense and get stuck on a certain clause. This seems to be the case now. It's all very frustrating, especially as they are leaving for Bombay tomorrow. It looks like the contract will be signed just before the plane leaves.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dutch treat

What is it that tourists crave most when visiting Amsterdam? Is it the apple tart, the nederwiet or delicious chocolate? None of the above!! It is the smooth, creamy taste of that most singular delicacy: the kaassoufflé....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cycling with the family

What better way to see the Dutch countryside that on the back of a bike? My legs would perhaps disagree, but it certainly is nice to enjoy the green fields so close to the city. Talia and I, after first getting lost in Amsterdam North, joined my sister, brother-in-law and nephew Luca on a little trip to Holysloot. Luca was not too enthused by the 4km bike ride, but absolutely loved the apple juice at the cafe where our journey ended. Uncle Ben, meanwhile, put his muscles to the test while his Israeli guest filmed the surroundings.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Talia in Amsterdam

My friend Talia from Tel Aviv is in Amsterdam for the first time. After hearing about Amsterdam for years from her good friend Hilla, whom I met last year, and knowing me, she decided to spend a well earned holiday in our fair city. After picking her up from the airport we embarked on a small tour of the city, ending up at the Film Museum for a drink and some rays of sun.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Totally knackered

After an active afternoon, both Uncle Ben and Luca a.k.a. Manny are totally knackered.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Classic cars

This morning I went to a classic car exhibit with Johannes. He treated me to the exhibit and a delicious lunch as a thank-you for being his witness at his wedding. The cars ranged from the Dutch DAF to the Mini, Fiat 500 and 2CV. Great to see some beautiful cars up close.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Leaving for Chile

Rebekka and Boaz, accompanied by our mum, have left for Chile. My brother-in-law Cristian, who hails from the South American country, already left a couple of weeks ago. His job at a university in Santiago requires him to stay there for four months. Last year Rebekka stayed in Holland for that time, but this time the family is making the trek. As family tradition dictates, the siblings meet up at the airport to see the other family members off and enjoy a drink or some food at one of Schiphol's many snack points. Boaz, who is fascinated with planes and was very much looking forward to the flight, had the pleasure to use the playground in the restaurant before taking off.