Sunday, November 02, 2008

The battle ahead

The first Tuesday in November is rapidly approaching and Holland is in a frenzy. The pros and cons of each candidate are discussed daily in news broadcasts and talk shows. It is, however, not a local election that divides the opinions of many a Dutchman, but rather the American presidential race across the Atlantic. It is fair to say that the majority of people have a preference for Obama, although quite a few feel that despite the charisma and the message of change and hope McCain might be a better president due to his experience. Nevertheless, the fact that McCain is in his seventies, has a 30% chance of dying in office and thus gives Palin a real chance of getting her finger on the button makes Obama by far the choice of most people. Coming Tuesday many an election party will be held around the country and all through the night the Dutch tv channels will broadcast live from the US of A. I can remember watching the election broadcasts in 1980 when we lived in Washington to see Reagan beat Carter. I'll be burning the midnight oil this Tuesday to, hopefully, see Obama beat McCain.

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